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Fifteen of my favorite horror movies of all time.

Updated: Feb 14, 2020

When compiling this list I asked myself a few questions; Was it attention grabbing? Did it have a well-developed story line? Did I have nightmares after seeing it? Was it good for its time? Did it make me laugh? I realize this last question is a strange requirement for a horror movie. If done right, laughter heightens the suspense. The audience relaxes with a laugh or two, and then caught off guard, WHAM! Or, sometimes it’s just good to laugh. There are quite a few more excellent movies that I did not add to this list. Maybe I will begin working on favorite horror movies 16-30. ;)

1. Saw (2004): Without a doubt this movie has it all. Okay, so not the laughter, but it has everything else! A well thought out story. Layers of back stories. Great acting. Creation of one of the creepiest serial killers of all time. Plus, it has a message: What is your life worth to you? Hmm, food for thought. Favorite quote: “Help! Someone help me! Is someone there? Hey! Oh shit, I'm probably dead.”

2. Dracula (1992): Bram Stoker’s version of course. What can you say about a story that has lived for over 100 years? Perhaps the best horror story ever written finally put on the big screen in all its gore and glory. Gary Oldman’s acting, the scenery, oh my! It’s sexy and scary and creepy and romantic. Favorite quote: “Take me away from all this death!”

3. The Ring (2002): Truly creepy! I watched half of it through my hands over my face. This is what nightmares are made of. The girl, the TV? Shivers!!! I was glad when it was over, until I realized, ‘crap! I just watched the video.’ And don’t think for a second I wasn’t looking over my shoulder seven days later.

4. Hellraiser (1987): Again, story line, over story line, over story line. A little confusing to follow, but the depth is there. And of course there’s… Pinhead. Wow. Great character. Favorite quote: “We have such sights to show you!”

5. Poltergeist (1982): Bad acting and questionable special effects. That aside, it was one hell of a movie. Heather O'Rourke as Carol Anne Freeling stole the show. For weeks I would jump to my bed afraid something would reach out and grab me. And to this day, clowns freak me out. Favorite quote: “They’re here.”

6. Rose red (2002): One of the few Stephen King books that were screenplay adapted really well. This psychic, haunted house, three part miniseries has a bit of something for everyone. Favorite quote: “Some houses are born bad.”

7. Misery (1990): Granted, this is not a horror. But while I am considering Stephen King movies, Misery has to be added to the list of favorites. Kathy Bates was phenomenal as Annie Wilkes. Besides, how could I leave a movie about a writer off this list?! Favorite quotes: Way too many good ones to chose just one.

8. April Fool’s Day (1986): Honestly it has been many years since I have seen this movie but it has stuck with me. A fresh take on the teen slasher genre. Well, it was fresh back in 1986. Favorite quote: “Muffy hasn't been in an institution for three years, she's been at Vassar! “

9. Scream (1996): Genius, a horror movie about horror movies. You’ll never guess who the killer is… Favorite quote: “Movies don't create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative! “

10. Sleepy Hollow (1999): The legend revisited, tweaked and enhanced. Tim Burton is incredibly gifted. Favorite quote: “Is he dead?” “That's the problem. He was dead to begin with.”

11. Shutter Island (2010): I wasn’t sure whether or not to include this one. More bizarre than scary. A definite mind fuck. Favorite quote: “You're smarter than you look, Marshall. That's probably not a good thing.”

12. Fright Night (1985): Another trend setter in horror films. The wolf transformation was incredible for the time. Pre-CGI! There’s a vampire next door and no one believes it except for a boy and a washed up TV horror movie host. What could go wrong? Favorite quote: “You have to have faith for this to work on me!”

13. Army of Darkness (1992): In a word, CAMPY, as only Bruce Campbell can pull off. Filled with snarky lines and innuendos. Laugh out loud funny. Favorite quote: “Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun.”

14. Shawn of the Dead (2004): I don’t care much for zombie films, no offense to the zombie apocalypse fans, but this movie was extraordinarily funny in a very dry way. The paradoxical unfolding of events is so clever. Favorite quote: “Look, I don't care what the telly says, all right? We *have* to get out of here. If we don't they'll tear us to pieces, and that is really going to exacerbate things for all of us.”

15. Psycho (1960): Last, but certainly not least! I heard about the shower scene from my mom and her friend’s years before I had seen the movie. This is the classic horror film to beat all classics. Favorite quote “A boy's best friend is his mother.” Chilling, isn’t it?

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